We are a Cyprus based company with a number of highly experienced professionals who are all specialists in their respective fields. We offer a range of corporate and fiduciary services for companies and persons who would like to expand their operations to Cyprus and various other jurisdictions. Through the specialist tax-advisors, lawyers, auditors, business consultants and investment consultants that our company employs and cooperates with, our clients are able to be fully informed of the most low-risk and financially efficient methods of administering their companies, investments and businesses.
Located in the heart of the Mediterranean, Cyprus is highly accessible to the Middle-East. It has been a Member State of the European Union since 2004 and has close ties with Middle-Eastern countries and various other countries – including a large number of Double Tax Treaties. In addition to this, Cyprus is also a member of the Commonwealth and therefore has close ties with all Commonwealth members, including the United Kingdom.
The Cypriot Tax and Corporate Regimes are geared up to suit foreign investors because they are designed to be simple and efficient. Some of the keys benefits offered are the following:
- No Inheritance Tax
- The lowest Corporation Tax in the European Union (12.5%)
- Inbound dividends are generally tax free
- No Capital Gains Tax on disposal of shares or non – Cyprus situated property
- Full discretion regarding beneficial owners of companies held on trust
- Various Investment incentives are offered by the Cypriot Government
- Cypriot or European Union investors are not required
1, Gladstonos street, Panayiotion Court, 2nd Floor – Larnaca, Cyprus
(+357) 24625626